Tuesday 10 February 2015

Can Oil drop $30 a barrel and go to $20 a barrel?

Can Oil drop $30 a barrel and go to $20 a barrel? 

I have recently read an article from CITI Group on Bloomberg, noting that the Oil futures will drop down from the current price of approx., $50, down to $20 a barrel which “may soon be on the way”. This got me thinking, how did someone come up with this figure? Is it even possible and what are the probabilities of this event happening?

I put together some information;

Based on the current share price I have read that there is about a 3% chance that the oil futures will touch at $20 some point in the next 60 days.

I now then went over to the USO the oil ETF. This ETF is currently trading at $18.94. If I compare the futures and the ETF pull backs in 2008 I can see that the oil Futures market fell about 70% and the USO ETF fell about 81%. Pretty close to the same pull back. The article notes that the Oil futures is expected to touch $20 range meaning it needs an approx. pull back of 60%. This is similar to the 2008 pull back.

Without getting to technical as the ETF is not an exact replication due to “Drag”, but for this example let’s look what will happen. In this case the article pretty much expects that the USO ETF will trade down to about $8 give or take. Once again, there is no data on the exact formulas used and the best I could do is look at the last major pullback. So it’s not that accurate but you get the idea.

So what is the probability of USO ETF trading below say $8 in the next 60 days? Well I looked at a couple of things. One is the option volatility and this noted to me that there is a 99% chance the market will not touch $8 in the next 60 days. I then look at the history of the ETF and over the last 8 years the ETF has moved that amount 14 times within a 60-day time frame.

Based on Historical data if the ETF fell to $8 this is 57% pull back from current prices, based on the last 8 years of data and over 2000 occurrences the ETF has only moved that amount 14 times.

We will also need to note that the current Oil futures and Oil ETF market is already in a large pull back of about 55%, so we are expecting a further fall of another 60% from current prices. This would take the entire pull back in the vicinity of about 80%. Similar to 2008/2009 move and also the move in 1980/1986, but these moves were over a 9month time frame and a 6 years’ time frame. We are roughly 8 months into this move, so the timing is in line with the 2008 move, but we are years away from the 1980/1086 move. There is some cyclical action but that is beyond this blog.

The Take Away;

If you believe that oil futures are going to fall rapidly over the next short period of time, you should probably buy Puts like crazy. The probability of it falling in line with the Articles expectation is about 3%. This means you have a 97% probability that your expectation for the trade is going to be wrong. But that is not 100% and this is the market and there is always chance big moves can happen, as can be shown and noted above, it has happened before in history. Based on the information maybe the plays is going long, if there is this sort of move down to the $20 levels, or just wait a bit longer to avoid catching the falling knife.